a parabolic shape with seven equally spaced ordinates? 14. What is KB for(a) box-shaped vessel and(b) triangular-shaped vessel? 15. What are hydrostatic curves used for onboard a ship? 16. Using sketches, define the block, the waterplane and midship form coefficients. 17. Sketch a statical stability curve and label six important points on it 18. What are the minimum values allowed by D.Tp. for GZ and for transverse GM? 19. List three ways in which a ship's end drafts may be changed. 20. GM is 0.45m. Radius of gyration is 7 m. Estimate the natural rolling period in seconds. 21. What is a deadweight scale used for? 22. What is the formula for bending stress in terms of M, I and y? 23. Sketch a set of hydrostatic curves.