in talking about Australian food I should stop this video by saying
this is a personal memory on the Australian food culture
it's not meant to be an official history when European settlements not in this
country in 1788
bus to the food ideas were obviously derived from the British Traditions
brought here by those immigrants settlers prior to that the Aboriginal
peoples inhabited Australia
were hunter-gatherers who lived on local game
and the natural produce have fruits berries and nuts which later became
known as pushed archived
growing up in Australia in the fifties and sixties my recollection to the food
is that it was pretty bland
it wasn't really until a light sixties and the seventies
that the food culture began to change you see after world war two
Australia embarked on a massive immigration program
with millions of migrants arriving from Europe Asia and the Middle East
and they brought with them their unsophisticated food cultures and over
the next twenty and thirty years
the traditions began to influence what Australian site and indeed
the whole attitude we had to food today Australian cuisine reflects those food
arrived on our shores all those years ago and it's developed into its own
unique and outstanding cuisine
but there is some local or quirky things about Australian food
I climate makes barbecues commonplace
you might even remember Paul Hogan is crocodile dundee
inviting people to visit Australia and would throw another shrimp on the barbie
one of the best-known unique foods we love in Australia is Vegemite
we start heating and his kids any data strain in children on on locally is
happy little Vegemite
at the forty will lead a meat pie with tomato sauce the sauce a drawable maybe
even a chick are all
other popular takeaway foods include fish and chips
and now of course a Mac is a mcdonald's hamburger we do it and national symbol a
other unique all local foods include and sec the skits
team Tam's violet crumble week pics
pavlova lamingtons and I spuds
the wonderful thing about the strain in food today is its abundance
freshness quality and she a variety
and we may have started out with a pretty bland uninspiring cuisine but
this time has gone on out tastes have changed in mature
now when it comes to food Australians have become adventurous
Calif all unique even passionate