The rules to make a will.
A. Minors can make a will, when the age of fifteen years old. (section 25)
B. The court ordered an incompetent person can not do it until probate court to revoke the order. Any violation of the Boule void. (section 1704)
C. The insane can be done while in full consciousness. It will be void if it is proved that in mind while impaired. (section 1704)
D. Incompetent person Wills can be like normal people. (Royal Decree no.177 B.E. 2528 or 1985)
E. Spouses do not have the authority will give dowry to other than its parts. (section 1481)
F. Testator bequeathed the estate to witness a testament to the author or the spouse of such person does not have. Otherwise void under section 1705. (section 1653)