According to the first publication in 1993 by Rauscher et al.
[Nature 1993;365:611], the Mozart effect implies the enhancement
of reasoning skills solving spatial problems in
normal subjects after listening to Mozart’s piano sonata K
448. A further evaluation of this effect has raised the question
whether there is a link between music-generated emotions
and a higher level of cognitive abilities by mere listening.
Positron emission tomography and functional magnetic
resonance imaging have revealed that listening to pleasurable
music activates cortical and subcortical cerebral areas
where emotions are processed. These neurobiological effects
of music suggest that auditory stimulation evokes emotions
linked to heightened arousal and result in temporarily
enhanced performance in many cognitive domains. Music
therapy applies this arousal in a clinical setting as it may offer
benefits to patients by diverting their attention from unpleasant
experiences and future interventions. It has been
applied in the context of various important clinical conditions
such as cardiovascular disorders, cancer pain, epilepsy,
depression and dementia. Furthermore, music may modulate the immune response, among other things, evidenced
by increasing the activity of natural killer cells, lymphocytes
and interferon-γ, which is an interesting feature as many diseases
are related to a misbalanced immune system. Many of
these clinical studies, however, suffer from methodological
inadequacies. Nevertheless, at present, there is moderate
but not altogether convincing evidence that listening to
known and liked music helps to decrease the burden of a
disease and enhances the immune system by modifying