In this study, the analysis on the effect of radiation heat transfer inside the oven under natural convection mode
was performed using the network representative method. Radiation is considered as the main process of heat transfer
occurred in the oven. Application of network representation method provide useful for analyzing radiation heat
transfer in the baking oven. It was observed, the amount of radiation heat (Q) decreased with the increasing time at
all baking temperature. However, all the measured values in bread samples were slightly changes throughout the
baking period. This suggested that bread enhanced with Garcinia mangostana pericarp powder could retain their
total phenolics, antioxidant activity, surface colour and moisture content even after baking. The results are consistent
with previous study on antioxidant stability (Romson et al., 2011). As a conclusion, thermal processing especially
on radiation heat does not give negative effect to the nutritional value of the functional bread as well as the final
quality. The findings are against the perception that thermal processing is the major cause of degradation of
nutritional value in food. This will generate a new perception of the customer on baked product selection and raised
their awareness on functional bread that give better health benefits. Other than that, functional bread could afford
customer satisfaction since they are readily available, easy to prepare, nutritious and cost effective. Moreover,
consumption of functional bread may increase human health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
In this study, the analysis on the effect of radiation heat transfer inside the oven under natural convection modewas performed using the network representative method. Radiation is considered as the main process of heat transferoccurred in the oven. Application of network representation method provide useful for analyzing radiation heattransfer in the baking oven. It was observed, the amount of radiation heat (Q) decreased with the increasing time atall baking temperature. However, all the measured values in bread samples were slightly changes throughout thebaking period. This suggested that bread enhanced with Garcinia mangostana pericarp powder could retain theirtotal phenolics, antioxidant activity, surface colour and moisture content even after baking. The results are consistentwith previous study on antioxidant stability (Romson et al., 2011). As a conclusion, thermal processing especiallyon radiation heat does not give negative effect to the nutritional value of the functional bread as well as the finalquality. The findings are against the perception that thermal processing is the major cause of degradation ofnutritional value in food. This will generate a new perception of the customer on baked product selection and raisedtheir awareness on functional bread that give better health benefits. Other than that, functional bread could affordcustomer satisfaction since they are readily available, easy to prepare, nutritious and cost effective. Moreover,consumption of functional bread may increase human health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
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