Under sub- tropical conditions of Punjab, low chill
cultivars of pear are performing quite well. In state, Punjab
Beauty is the leading cultivar of pear. Fruits of this
cultivar mature during the summer months, when
temperature is very high and is unfavorable for ambient
storage which leads to heavy post harvest losses. To avoid
losses, scientific information on physico-chemical
characteristics associated with fruit maturity and standard
storage method is therefore needed. Many storage
techniques have been developed over the years to extend
the postharvest life of fruits. Some extension of shelf-life
has been demonstrated using controlled atmosphere
storage. However, carbon dioxide injury, increased ethanol
production and off-flavor problems due to anaerobic
respiration have been reported. Semi-permeable coatings
can create a modified atmosphere similar to CA storage,
with less expense incurred. Edible coatings are
traditionally used to improve food appearance and
conservation due to their environmentally friendly nature
(Petersen et al., 1999). They act as barrier to moisture and
oxygen during handling and storage and do not solely
retard food deterioration but also enhance its safety due to
incorporation of antimicrobial properties. Serrano et al
(2004) stated that fruit shelf life can be extended by
optimization of environmental conditions, minimization of
mechanical damage, application of food additives, edible
coatings and by ionizing radiations. The high level of
water loss, rapid transpiration and mechanical damage
degrade the physico-chemical quality of produce and
lower its market value. Keeping it in view a study was
planned to extend the storage life of pear cv. Punjab
beauty with edible coatings under low temperature