In order to maintain a strong isolation level among components
of Hadoop in a public cloud, Hadoop components
should avoid sharing secret keys or tokens. Therefore when one
Hadoop component is compromised, its leaked keys and tokens
will not expose keys and tokens of other Hadoop components.
In SEHadoop, SEHadoop Block Token fixes the overloaded
authentication key issue and resists attackers targeting storage
processes (e.g. Data Nodes). Each Data Node is forced to share
a unique symmetric key with the Name Node for generating
SEHadoop Block Token, therefore a compromised Data Node
cannot leak keys owned by other Data Nodes, and attackers
cannot access resources beyond the compromised Data Node.
Each Container has a unique SEHadoop Child Delegation
Token, and every SEHadoop Child Delegation Token can
have different access privileges. A compromised Container
does not have or has limited impact on data accessed by
other Containers. By using unique keys and tokens, SEHadoop
improves the isolation level among components of Hadoop.
In order to maintain a strong isolation level among componentsof Hadoop in a public cloud, Hadoop componentsshould avoid sharing secret keys or tokens. Therefore when oneHadoop component is compromised, its leaked keys and tokenswill not expose keys and tokens of other Hadoop components.In SEHadoop, SEHadoop Block Token fixes the overloadedauthentication key issue and resists attackers targeting storageprocesses (e.g. Data Nodes). Each Data Node is forced to sharea unique symmetric key with the Name Node for generatingSEHadoop Block Token, therefore a compromised Data Nodecannot leak keys owned by other Data Nodes, and attackerscannot access resources beyond the compromised Data Node.Each Container has a unique SEHadoop Child DelegationToken, and every SEHadoop Child Delegation Token canhave different access privileges. A compromised Containerdoes not have or has limited impact on data accessed byother Containers. By using unique keys and tokens, SEHadoopimproves the isolation level among components of Hadoop.
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