Negotiation screen
The Negotiation Screen allows you to conduct Diplomacy and Trade with other empires. It is
divided into the following parts:
1. Your empire is on the top left, the empire you are examining on the top right
2. You can select terms of different categories to make a deal. “Treaties” are high level
diplomatic agreements which can be used, for instance, to declare War and Peace. Other
categories can be used as gifts or trade, or also to balance a particular deal and make
sure the other empire accepts it.
3. You can also select terms for the other empire. Some terms are symmetrical (such as
declaring peace), others are unilateral (resources, technologies).
4. The overall deal being offered is summarized here
5. The gauge indicates the likelihood that the other empire will accept your deal.
6. When you are ready you can make an offer, but you must have enough Influence points
to propose the deal
7. Empire information is summarized here.
The Influence cost of a deal is greatly influenced by your diplomatic score with the other empire.
For instance, if you have a very good relation with another empire, declaring war on it will be very
expensive, while it will be more affordable it your relations are already bad.
Once you have validated your offer, you will receive a notification letting you know if the deal has
been accepted. Some deals, such as declaring war, to do not require an answer…