Although the molecular approach at the basis of DNA barcoding is not new to science, the strength of this method relies on the availability of an international platform. BOLD (Barcode of life database), coordinated by the International Barcode of Life Project (iBOL), is a repository, which supports the collection of DNA barcodes, with the aimof creating a reference library for all living species (Ratnasingham & Hebert, 2007). BOLD is used to relate a given DNA barcode to both a vouchered specimen and other DNA barcode sequences belonging to the same or different taxa.This platform consists of several components, among which the Identification Engine tool (BOLD-IDS) is one of the most useful. BOLD-IDS provides a species identification tool that accepts DNA barcode sequences and returns a taxonomic assignment to the species levelwhenever possible.This engine assumes correct species identification for genetic distances up to 99%. Any researcher can use BOLD-IDS, and, if a reference record belonging to an unknown specimen is available in the database,the system provides identification at the species rank, or a list of the taxa related to that specimen. BOLD is a reliable resource both for research purposes and for practical applications, such as the traceability of food commodities.