I have the pleasure to invite you to join the workshop on “Village Safety Net Against Human Trafficking” which will be held from 15-18 December 2015, in Takeo province, Cambodia. This workshop is aimed at building capacity of regional partners of terre des hommes Germany so that they are able to learn and share experiences on anti-human trafficking as well as strengthen the reporting and referral networks against human trafficking.
The workshop will be held in Takeo provincial town, 80km from Phnom Penh. As the workshop will start in the morning of 15 December 2015, all participants are expected to arrive at Phnom Penh on 14 December 2015 before 15:00. Participants from Thailand are requested to take flights from Bangkok to Phnom Penh and Vietnamese partners are requested to take bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh. Please send your flight details and/or bus schedule to the organizer (VCAO) via admin@vcao.org.kh and director@vcao.org.kh before 01 December 2015 so that pickup from the airport and bus terminal can be arranged. As the workshop will end in the afternoon of 18 December 2015, participants may leave for their respective destinations/countries in the morning or afternoon of 19 December 2015.
Just in case you encounter unexpected delays or problems especially in your flights or bus to Phnom Penh, you can contact us through our mobile phone numbers +855(0)12876422 and +855(0)977363631.
Lastly, kindly fill up the enclosed participant’s registration form and expectation check and send to us, preferably not later than 01 December 2015.