Similarly, individualization and flexibility naturally means inconsistency in how employees are treated. While the positive side of a flexible workplace is accommodation and recognition of individual needs, the negative side is that inconsistency tends to lead to perceptions of procedural unfairness . Further, there may be some concerns about informational justice in that i-deals are often not put forth for public discussion and scrutiny. A manager who wishes to allow an employee a more flexible work schedule to take her mother for chemotherapy treatments for 5 weeks may not see a need to justify or explain it to other employees; however, informational justice research would suggest that the absence of any information as to how the decision was made or why can lead to unfairness perceptions. Coworker reactions are particularly likely to be affected by the availability of information regarding others' i-deals . While in some cases i-deals may be visible and appear normative (i.e., many people have different schedules), in other cases they may not be public and thus may seem irregular when they become known by others (e.g., a coworker has been promised the ability to take 4 weeks of vacation at once).