Hi! I’m William Myers with Subaru for Expert Village. Today we’re going to change out a battery but remember one thing the negative battery cable always comes off first and the negative cable always go on last when you change a battery. This is the negative cable right here, it’ll always have a negative sign on the battery our positive plus sign for the positive side. First you’re going to loosen the negative cable by loosening this 10mm nut here, you put your 10mm wrench on and just counter clockwise loosen the nut, undo it from its clip not all batteries will have this clip, put the cable to side, then you lift up the plastic cover on the positive and you loosen the same 10mm nut on the positive side, remove the positive post positive battery terming that is and then you’ll have two 10mm nuts here on the bounty bracket. First you remove your little plastic clip by unscrewing it counter clockwise and pull up, loosen up your 10mm holding bolts their also known as j-bolts because they have a hook at the end and once their loosen just back them off and you can push down and undo them because there’s a j-hook. So once you get your bracket out the way just like so just grab your battery, lift it out, set it on the ground and you’re ready to install a new battery, this is a j-hook it looks like a j the j-hook live in a hole right here and it goes just like so and you have one on the other side right across from it and that’s what that j-hooks going to ride in to keep that battery clamp held down so the battery don’t slide around.
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_2260463_remove-car-battery-replace-it.html#ixzz2pXDOcK7C