i;m a mother and a postal worker. i also happen to be in a long-term relationship with a woman. we both work,pay taxes,vote,do volunteer work,and lead full,productive lives.
my partner sara and i have been together for over four years and we formalized our lifetime commitment to each other in ceremony several years ago. in a fair and non-discriminating society.we would be able to obtain the same benafits for each other that heterosexual Americans obtain when they marry.
i've worked for the postal service for 10 years.yet i can't obtain health insurance for sara, nor can i use family leave to care for or be with her if she,s ill,has had surgery or has been injured.
heterosexual employees who are married or get married can get benefits for a spouse and any number of children,including adopted, foster and stepchilden.
Even when we have legal papers drawn up to protect our right,property and ralationship,it often takes lengthy and expensive court battles to get other people to honor our wishes and instructions.sometimes we lose those battles,and some rights(like family health insrance coverage) we simply can't get
No one should be surprised that we want the right to marry.