Thanks for your kindly reminder and sorry for our late.
Regarding the cost of repair inverter, including:
1. Import tax of inverter first time = 2155.88 baht
2. Repair invertor by ABB = 9309 baht
Yes, above expenses will charge by Jon Wai.
Regarding the additional cost for crane & demurrage charge:
As per previous our mail where we have explain that as per our experience, doing such unload work of big tonnage machine, it usually takes about 2 days for the job.
Our engineer arrived customer factory on earlier morning 3rd and start unload the parts from all containers and position it to place ONLY, even they did a such hard work during the day, but also spent 11 hours for working this. To say nothing of taking all containers form track.
According to above points, it is normally taking 2 days for complete unloading job( including take container from track, take parts from all containers, position the parts then loadding all container back to truck).
Sorry for our frankly speaking, all of our engineer was occupied in service during April, but to support you we fix the date on urgnet 2nd May…..
Secondly, for container charging, as per our engineer advised, that all containers were taken by transportation guys on the SAME DAY.
The situation is all container were taken by transportaiton guys on earlier but most of containers were not sending back to container yard till 6th May. The reason is the guy who delay this returning job, also there was 2 days off in local from 4th & 5th May, so most containers back to container yard on 6th May… but this extra cost all effort by Jon Wai ?????
Pls. confirm back to us then we will process the expense back to your account. Thanks!