Company Web sites
More and more company are joining the Web bandwagon. Even mom-and-pop pizza parlors are putting up Web pages. The simplest corporate Web pages provide basic information about a company. such as a description of the company's products or services, phone number, and so on.
A more elaborate corporate Web site could include any or all of the following.
• An online catalog that enables internet users to see detailed information about products and services. The catalog may include pictures and if you want,princes.
•online ordering, which enables internet users to actually place orders over the internet.
•A customer survey.
• Lists of frequently asked questions about the country's products or services.
• online support, where a customer can leave a question about a problem he or she is having with a products and receive an answer within a day or two.
• Articles and reviews of company's products.
• Press release.
• Biographies of company employees.
Special interest Web sites
Many of the most interesting. Web site are devoted to special interests. For example. If you are involved with a youth soccer league,you may want to create a Web page that includes team rosters, schedules, and standings. Or, if you are one of those annoying. neighbors who decorate their houses with 100,000 lights at Christmas time,create a Web page that focuses on Christmas decorating. The list of possible topics for a special interest Web site is limitless.