Recall that Superior Manufacturing Company has fourteen department--six factory, four sales, and four general administration departments (including building services). At the end of Chapter 9, the expense budgets for each of these departments were illustrated. They were designed for incorporation into the annual profit plan. For instructional reasons, it was assumed in that chapter that flexible expense budgets were not used. However, we now assume that the company uses flexible expense budgets in all departments except building services. Flexible budgets for each of these thirteen responsibility centers are shown below in Schedules 41 through 44. These budget formulas were applied to the planned activity (output) in each department to develop the original expense schedules included in the annual profit plan (Chapter Schedules 33, 34, 39, and 40). For example, the January 19X2 column for "General and Administrative Factory overhead" in Schedule 33 was based on total direct labor hours in the factory that were taken from the direct labor budget (Schedule 31, page 293). The budget expense amounts were computed by applying the direct labor hours to the flexible expense budget formulas (Schedule 41). The original expense amounts for "General and Administrative Factory overhead" (given in Schedule 33) were computed as follows for 19X2: