8.1 Team
• For each member and advisor of the team: roles, responsibilities, why this person’s skills/experience/qualifications makes them the best qualified for the job, current occupation and time commitment to current occupation
• For each member and advisor of the team: time commitment for social enterprise (hours/week), what milestones will have to occur for the persons’ time commitment to increase
• Previous experience the team members have working, succeeding, or interacting with each other
๐ Why people should trust in the unity of the team
8.2 Other key people requirements of the social enterprise that are not met by the team and advisors
• Specific needs of the social enterprise
• Required skills/experience/qualifications
• Potential providers/candidates
• Current status/commitment, e.g., recruiting, interviewing, negotiating, contracted, etc.
8.3 Team organization chart
• Short-term (before operations, 3-6 months) and medium-term (during operating period, 6 months - 2 years)
• List approximate number of employees under each key position