Q. Does the Biohazard Response Spill Kit remove a stain of blood from carpet that is a couple of
days old or will it only work on fresh spills? Will it still disinfect the area?
A. Yes, blood can be disinfected in case there is Hepatitis B/C involved as it can live in dried
blood up to 7-10 days, you certainly wouldn't want anyone to touch it. It may be necessary to use
a spot remover in conjunction with the clean-up kit.
Put on PPE equipment. Spray TB Disinfectant Cleaner Ready-To-Use EPA Regulation No.
1839-83-1677, as directed on the product label on the spot/area so that area is wet. Let set for 10
minutes then use absorbent towels to blot up and put in bucket, depending on what is left. Since
it has sat for a couple days already you may need to use a stain remover in conjunction, blot up
stain remover with absorbent towels and place in bucket. If stain is still visible it may be
necessary to wet the area with a stain remover. Place the absorbent towels on area with some
weight on the absorbent towels. Weight on the absorbent towels in conjunction with a stain
remover will cause the absorbent towels to act as a wick and absorb the stain.