Hi Apple I know I have said that I will help you with the money today, but since we have spoke I had a big argument with my partner over this whole matters. Because I have already had helped him out with the 5000 before, and now if I will spend another 5000 more this will put me back dearly ok.. this has caused me and
My partner to become separated fighting over this whole problems, I really don't know what to do and what to decide sweetie ok.. what would you do if you are myself right now Apple...!?. Sorry I can not help much more from now apple, please help me decidedly with your wise mind. I don't want to ruin my future with my newly met partner over this and I also would like to help your brother out as well, but I really cannot do much more than I have already done with the 5000 he got from me already before ok.. Sorry Apple help me think please ok.