During the experimental period, the weights of the rats were recorded on a daily basis every morning at the same
time, and as shown in Figure 1, changes in the body weight of the control lot of rats and the other tested lots
were determined and the values starting from day 0 to day 14 were outlined.
The results show that at the beginning of the experiment (i.e.: day 0), all the lots of rats had homogeneous
weights ranging from 100 to 120 g. However, during the first four days, the lot administered the Tl extract at a
dose of 5000 mg/kg witnessed a constant body weight, which marks a difference when compared to the lot of
control and the other tested lots that had an increase in the body weight, and this difference was significant during
days 3 and 4. Additionally, at the end of the 1st week, another significant divergence in the body weights was
found―between the lot tested with 5000 mg/kg on one hand and the control lot and the other tested lots on the
other hand―as the lot administered with 5000 mg/kg experienced an increase in body weight. Nevertheless,
during the 2nd week, and despite a slight drop in body weight for the lots administered with 200, 400 and 500
mg/kg on day 8, there was no significant variation between the control lot and other lots and there was just a
normal increase in body weight for all the groups (Figure 1).
During the experimental period, the weights of the rats were recorded on a daily basis every morning at the sametime, and as shown in Figure 1, changes in the body weight of the control lot of rats and the other tested lotswere determined and the values starting from day 0 to day 14 were outlined.The results show that at the beginning of the experiment (i.e.: day 0), all the lots of rats had homogeneousweights ranging from 100 to 120 g. However, during the first four days, the lot administered the Tl extract at adose of 5000 mg/kg witnessed a constant body weight, which marks a difference when compared to the lot ofcontrol and the other tested lots that had an increase in the body weight, and this difference was significant duringdays 3 and 4. Additionally, at the end of the 1st week, another significant divergence in the body weights wasfound―between the lot tested with 5000 mg/kg on one hand and the control lot and the other tested lots on theother hand―as the lot administered with 5000 mg/kg experienced an increase in body weight. Nevertheless,during the 2nd week, and despite a slight drop in body weight for the lots administered with 200, 400 and 500mg/kg on day 8, there was no significant variation between the control lot and other lots and there was just anormal increase in body weight for all the groups (Figure 1).
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