acting in harmony now illnesses any lack instability
you lack of harmony enormous in the system I'll
and this appeared on
is the wellness continue on this their clothes to this ideal
name system has wells on a continual
now because it's a sin and nursing interaction
our goals this nurse is ordered and by actual degil stress affects
it is just a quien to taint and maintain stability and wellness
are nursing actions threefold are three phase
as prevention as intervention strategies
he insisted would define a primary is to attain higher levels well must maintain
a current level
almost secondary we employ are
will close these after a stress reaction has her
in the system in with mo effective with
I am affective responses in the system
to regain prostitution and we try to protect the basic structure
up the system and the church you can comes full circle back from me
a we employ those after reconstitution system stability
in you supported existing strengthen conserving energy
the system itself the normal % defense might be shown
afterwards are might even be bigger now
the live view the most specific article I could find about nurse
anesthesia in particular with Neuman systems model was from nineteen m6
in the purpose of it was seen herridge the use and nursing theory nurse
anesthesia practice
in research she identified some love
the fears that long have traditionally nurse anesthesia is used
use the medical model on how that's incongruity
with the nursing profession for the conversation nursing
session to go on in there be any congruence
in us using theory as a framework for practice
are she did a great job
reviewing the model are reviewing a
the scope of practice emergency him into buying applications for use