The responses to each question were summarized as the
number or percentage of respondents that selected each option or
category. The percentages were calculated as the number of
responses per category divided by the number of respondents to
that question. Percentages given for different questions may be
based on different totals if the number of respondents per question
differed. Also, several questions allowed more than one response,
resulting in the sum of the percentages in the categories adding up
to more than 100%. We defined the most effective CMs to reduce
animal strikes as those where over 70% of users had ranked the
treatment outcome as successful or very successful.
We calculated the response rate according to the American
Association for Public Opinion Research guidelines that define the
eligible sample population to include the number of airports that
were contacted and did not wish to participate, plus the number of
airports for which contact information was not readily available,
plus several other additional categories.