We would get both daily and seasonal spikes on the site," says Rachel Manley, who worked on the food website five years ago. "There would be one at 4pm or 5pm when people decided what to cook for dinner. But Pancake Day was always by far our biggest day. Traffic would just go nuts."
But interestingly these recipes received strong traffic all year round. If there was a time when pancakes were a treat reserved for Shrove Tuesday that time has clearly gone.
Food historian Annie Gray thinks this may be partly connected to the rise of street food over the last few years.
"It's common now to see a crepe van in town centres over the weekend," she says. "I'm pleased that, like the French, we're not limiting when we eat them. They are dirt-cheap and so easy to make. You can whip up a batter in five minutes and fill them with a savoury or a sweet filling."
But the most clicked-on recipe is not necessarily the most popular one. People search for recipes when they are not sure how to cook something - and they may already know how to cook their favourite meals.