In brief,
pregnant women with an expected delivery date between
1 April 1991 and 31 December 1992 living in a defined area
of Avon, South West England, were eligible for recruitment.
Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the
ALSPAC Law and Ethics Committee and from the National
Health Service (NHS) local ethics committee. In total, 14 541
women were enrolled and 13 678 had a singleton pregnancy
resulting in a live birth. We excluded multiple
pregnancies, as these would have different patterns of
blood pressure change and there were insufficient numbers
to study these in detail. Thirteen thousand, four hundred
and sixty-one of the women had data abstracted from
obstetric records and 13 000 had at least one blood pressure
measurement during pregnancy. Of these, 10 327 had complete
data on all maternal characteristics.
In brief,pregnant women with an expected delivery date between1 April 1991 and 31 December 1992 living in a defined areaof Avon, South West England, were eligible for recruitment.Ethical approval for the study was obtained from theALSPAC Law and Ethics Committee and from the NationalHealth Service (NHS) local ethics committee. In total, 14 541women were enrolled and 13 678 had a singleton pregnancyresulting in a live birth. We excluded multiplepregnancies, as these would have different patterns ofblood pressure change and there were insufficient numbersto study these in detail. Thirteen thousand, four hundredand sixty-one of the women had data abstracted fromobstetric records and 13 000 had at least one blood pressuremeasurement during pregnancy. Of these, 10 327 had completedata on all maternal characteristics.Obstetric
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