Respondents were asked to answer all questions as they applied to their main
practice site (ie, the location at which they see the most ambulatory patients). Tasks identified in respondents’ computerized system were grouped by using definitions from the literature.6,9 “Basic” EHRs include 7 features: patient demographics, problem lists, prescription orders, ability to view laboratory results and images, medication lists,
and clinical notes. “Fully functional” EHRs include “basic” features plus display of out-of-range laboratory results, medical history, laboratory orders,
drug interaction warnings, radiology
orders, electronic prescriptions to
pharmacy, electronic images returned,
laboratory orders sent electronically,
radiology orders sent electronically,
and guideline reminders. Pediatricsupportive
EHRs were defined as “fully
functional” EHRs that also support 5
fundamental features: tracking of wellchild
visits, anthropometric support
(such as growth charts or percentile
calculations), tracking of immunizations,
immunization forecasting (in the form
of calculating catch-up immunizations),