In this study, phenolic content, antioxidant activity and antibacterial
activity of various N. lappaceum peel and seed extracts
were determined. The extraction yields (g/100 g
lyophilized rambutan) from various extractants, i.e. ether,
methanol and water are presented in Table 1. The total phenolic
contents of the extracts were determined by FolineCiocalteu
method. The high amounts of phenolic compounds were
found in the peel extracts in the following order: methanolic
fraction (542.2 mg/g), aqueous fraction (393.2 mg/g) and ether
fraction (293.3 mg/g) (Table 1). Although low amounts of phenolic
compounds were observed in the seed extracts, the methanolic
fraction of seed extract contained the highest phenolic
content (58.5 mg/g).