Chrysler Corporation employees have gone through major cultural changes in the last several years.First, they were merged into a German firm, Daimler-Benz, then they were resold back to an American company, and they are now merged into Fiat, an Italian firm. Each ownership change brought new cultural rules. Certainly the Germans and Italians have two distinct, but different cultures.Throughout this text, cultural different between countries will be identify as a major factor influence global business.This borderless world adds dramatically to the difficult of managing human capital. Cultural differences reveal themselves in everything from the workplace environments to very divergent concepts of time, space, and social interaction.Culture differences are often the biggest barrier to doing business in the world market. A country’s culture is the set of values, symbols, beliefs, languages, and norms that guide human behavior within the country. It is learned behavior that develops as individuals grow from childhood to adulthood.Company operating in the global environment recognize that national cultures differ and that such different.can not be ignored.The cultural norms of Asia promote loyalty and
teamwork. In Japan, most managers tend to remain with the same company for life. In the United States, senior executives often change companies, but the Japanese believe strongly that leaving a job is to be avoided out of respect for the business team. A business person who travels from Switzerland to Italy goes from a country where meetings tend to be highly structured and expected to start on time, to one where meetings can be more informal and punctuality is less important.Recognizing the cultural differences present in a workplace can help managers achieve maximum effectiveness.Eric Rozenberg, CMM, CMP, president, Ince&Tive, of Brussels, Belgium, stated, “Even though people are aware that there are cultural differences between various nationalities,they’re still uncomfortable with it and are afraid of making mistakes.” Rozenberg provides an illustration in which there are two opposing views to an issue based on culture. He
stated, “Monochronic people go from point one to point two to point three; and polychronic people don’t necessarily go in a straightforward manner. For them, the importance of context is more important than what you say.” According to Rozenberg, North Americans are more likely to be monochronic in that they take deadlines seriously. On the other hand, polychronic people may be more easily distracted, and their commitment to deadlines may not be as important. “The cultural differences barrier is not something that is easily overcome,” adds Rozenberg.