AThe propose of this studies wore to determine the amount of lead(Pd) and Cadmium(Cd) in
Hemibagrus wyckioides, Notopterus notopterus, Kryptopterus bleekeri, Oxyeleotris marmoratus,
Puntioplites Proctozysron and Macrobrachium rosenbergii around of Lam Pao Dam, Kalasin
province by collected samples from 4 areas; Phu Sing, Dong Noi, Non Pla Khaw and Na See Noun.
The results showed that amounts of lead and cadmium in samples from those area were not
exceeded standard values and not harmful for human, Food and Drug Administration of Thailand
and the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.
AThe propose of this studies wore to determine the amount of lead(Pd) and Cadmium(Cd) inHemibagrus wyckioides, Notopterus notopterus, Kryptopterus bleekeri, Oxyeleotris marmoratus,Puntioplites Proctozysron and Macrobrachium rosenbergii around of Lam Pao Dam, Kalasinprovince by collected samples from 4 areas; Phu Sing, Dong Noi, Non Pla Khaw and Na See Noun.The results showed that amounts of lead and cadmium in samples from those area were notexceeded standard values and not harmful for human, Food and Drug Administration of Thailandand the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.
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