S.I.S.B. is celebrating International Week from 12-16 October 2015. During this week, students will be involved in various activities to promote cultural exchanges and awareness of the global world. The Week will culminate in a grand finale on the last day of the celebrations on Friday, 16th October.
a) On this grand finale day, activities/information on SG 50 and a fashion parade by our NK students will be the highlight in the morning.
b) The Parents Support Team has kindly arranged for our students to enjoy food and related activities from around the world. On behalf of SISB, we would like to specially thank the PST for the invaluable support. We are sure the students will have a great and meaningful time.
c) As part of the celebration, students are encouraged to wear costumes of their Homeroom country or their own country’s national costume to school on 16 October.
d) The school day will end at 2:30 pm on 16 October and all ECAs and remedial/EAS classes will be cancelled to allow everyone to enjoy the activities. Students will be dismissed promptly as per normal at 2.30 pm. The students will not be supervised after this time as all teachers have other duties to perform. The school kindly requests that you are punctual in picking up your children.
e) Parents who wish to pick the children up early are requested to let the Homeroom teachers know as it will be a very busy day with many people on campus. Parents involved in the activities are also requested to let the teachers know of your situation and when the children will be picked up.
f) NK building will be closed at 12.00 to enable our N2 children to nap quietly.
g) After picking up your children, all parents are cordially invited from 2.45 to 3.45 pm to enjoy the food booths, which are manned by the PST.
h) We hope to see a myriad of national costumes and the air of internationalism, as all countries gather together for international peace and understanding.
2) Please also take note that mid Term holiday break is from 17-27 October 2015. We look forward to seeing your children back to school on Wednesday 28 October 2015. Have a great holiday and do spend time bonding with your children!