Improvement of speaking ability by using role-play activities of the third year certificate vocational students at chetupon commercial college, Bangkok
Pensri kullapat
M.A. student in communicative English for careers
phranakhon rajabhat university
the objective of this experimental research was to investigate the Improvement of speaking ability by using role-play activities of the third year certificate vocational students.
The sample consisted of 31 students from a computer department who were studying in the third year certificate Vocational student in the academic year of 2014 at chettupon commercial college, Bangkok province. The used instruments were the six lesson plans, a pre-post performance speaking test, a teacher’ s observation from, a students’ attitude from, and focus group interviews. The duration of the implementation was 6 weeks excluding the pre-test and post-test. The data from the speaking tests were analyzed using mean scores, standard deviation scores, and t- test scores for dependent samples. The data from the observation, attitude and focus group interview were analyzed by using mean scores, standard deviation scores.
The result of this study revealed that students’ English speaking ability after using role play activities were highter than is used to be, with a statistical significance at .05 the finding also showed that the learners had positive attitude towards using role play in teaching English speaking. Their satisfactions toward the role play activities were at a very good level.
Keywords: role play activities, English speaking ability