A joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health
Organization (FAO/WHO) Expert Consultation on Health and Nutritional Properties of
Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria was held in the Amerian Cordoba Park
Hotel, Cordoba, Argentina from 1 to 4 October 2001. The Consultation, which was the
first meeting of this group, focused on the evaluation of the scientific evidence available
on the properties, functionality, benefits, safety, and nutritional features of probiotic
foods. A total of 11 experts from 10 countries participated in the Consultation. The
complete list of participants is given in Annex 1.
Mr Juan Schiaretti, Minister of Production of the Province of Cordoba, opened the
Consultation. He acknowledged the need for sound scientific evidence to substantiate
health benefits associated with probiotic foods. Mr Victor Faraudo, Secretary of
Agriculture of the Province of Cordoba; Mr Carlos Debandi, President of the Cordoba
Science Agency, and Mr Eduardo Echaniz, Coordinator of the National Codex
Committee also gave welcome addresses. Dr Jorgen Schlundt and Dr Maya Pineiro spoke
on behalf of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations. In their statements, the importance of probiotics to the health of the
human population was indicated, with particular reference to their potential in developing
The Consultation elected Dr Gregor Reid as Chairperson and Dr Catherine
Stanton as Rapporteur.
A joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World HealthOrganization (FAO/WHO) Expert Consultation on Health and Nutritional Properties ofPowder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria was held in the Amerian Cordoba ParkHotel, Cordoba, Argentina from 1 to 4 October 2001. The Consultation, which was thefirst meeting of this group, focused on the evaluation of the scientific evidence availableon the properties, functionality, benefits, safety, and nutritional features of probioticfoods. A total of 11 experts from 10 countries participated in the Consultation. Thecomplete list of participants is given in Annex 1.Mr Juan Schiaretti, Minister of Production of the Province of Cordoba, opened theConsultation. He acknowledged the need for sound scientific evidence to substantiatehealth benefits associated with probiotic foods. Mr Victor Faraudo, Secretary ofAgriculture of the Province of Cordoba; Mr Carlos Debandi, President of the CordobaScience Agency, and Mr Eduardo Echaniz, Coordinator of the National CodexCommittee also gave welcome addresses. Dr Jorgen Schlundt and Dr Maya Pineiro spokeon behalf of the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations. In their statements, the importance of probiotics to the health of thehuman population was indicated, with particular reference to their potential in developingcountries.The Consultation elected Dr Gregor Reid as Chairperson and Dr Catherineสแตนตันเป็นตุลาการเจ้าของสำนวน
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