lower extremity amputation and diabetic foot ulcer is a burden for thailand health care system. the same proves in roi-et province, thailand in terms of morbidity, health care expenses, as well as mortality. preventive self-care information is required to be given for diabetic foot ulcer of the respondents [2] study the factors associated with the practice of preventive self-care for diabetic foot ulcer of the respondents. this study is a cross-sectional study with an interview questionnaire conducted from september to december 2009. a total of respondents were 300 respondents through quota sampling from the 800 out-patient department patients who were registered as diabetic patients at the diabetic foot clinic at roi-et hospital. the results revealed that the respondents' knowledge level was moderate (66.0%), their attitude on high level (75.3%), and their
practice was also on high level (50.7%). in addition, some socio-demographic date, knowledge, and attitude were identified as factors associated with the practice of preventive self-care on diabetic foot ulcer in diabetic type ii patients. further improvement of local diabetes care program should be improved.