The Company plans to use its management resources to secure sustainable growth in response to significant environmental changes, including the rapid aging of the population and continuing globalization. To meet customer needs promptly, the Processed Foods business will change to a structure composed of organizations catering to customers’ business categories. It will supply differentiated products, increase the production capacity of mainstay products for household use and other products at directly operated factories, and introduce the best allocation of the product line in an effort to increase sales and profit margins. The Logistics business has the largest network in the country. To expand sales, it will be further improved to speed up its ability to capture demand for storage, transport, and delivery.
In accordance with this medium-term business plan, the Company plans to make more positive investments, chiefly in the Processed Foods business and the Logistics business, than under the previous plan so it can be fully prepared to meet future changes in business conditions. To achieve substantial sales growth, the Company plans to steadily expand its business into growing overseas markets.
With the execution of these measures, the Company will not fail to pave the way for attaining the targets it set for fiscal 2016 in its medium-term management vision, “GROWTH 2016”, announced last year.