The Petroleum and Chemical industrial is a very volatile industry. Companies in this indus- ury cycle from having 5 or 6 projects in-house to as few as or 2. Therefore, it is important that an individual maintains a competitive edge in order to stay employed and advance your career. New technologies are a consistent part of our work life. When I started my career all design drawings were done by hand. In today's work place all design drawing are created on computers. Computers are more efficient and provide multiple means of defect detection. The result is less staff and short project schedule. It is important to continually learn you ogy. When the industry shifted to computers, many of the 20 years plus employees chose not to they were no longer in the embrace the change. In a relatively short time span of five years their market valve industry. Individuals that keep up with the new technologies increase
approach to training INCIDENT 2 Career versus Job Security? J. D. Wallace, ILI, is an Area Project Engineer with Bechtel Engineering. headquartered in Houston, Texas. He possesses a Six Sigma Black Belt earned after an intensive selection and train- ing program at Bechtel. In the section below he describes his assessment of career development. Petroleum and Chemical industrial is a very volatile industry. Companies in this indus- ury cycle from having 5 or 6 projects in-house to as few as 1 or 2. Therefore, it is important that an individual maintains a competitive edge in order to stay employed and advance your career. New technologies are a consistent part of our work life. When I started my career all design drawings were done by hand. In today's work place all design drawing are created on computers. Computers are more efficient and provide multiple means of defect detection. The result is less staff short project schedule. It is important to continually learn your industries new technol and ogy. When the industry shifted to computers, many of the 20 years plus employees chose not to embrace the change. In a relatively short time span of five years, they were no longer in the industry. Individuals that keep up with the new technologies increase their market valve