Please wait until your examination files are accepted. It may take some time. Please be patient.
In order to work with our site as a contributor of images or videos, you must first upload samples of your best work to be evaluated. It does not matter which test you choose – for an image contributor or video contributor – if you pass the examination, you’ll have access to all of the site features, and you will be able to upload both images and videos for sale.
In addition, you could provide us links to your portfolio at other stock sites. The larger your portfolio at other sites, the higher your rating will be on our site. A high rating at our site grants certain privileges, including: the option to participate in the Promotion Program; quicker approval of your files; greater respect from our inspectors; individualized help uploading files at our site; higher search result positions, and many others.
Please wait until your examination files are accepted. It may take some time. Please be patient.In order to work with our site as a contributor of images or videos, you must first upload samples of your best work to be evaluated. It does not matter which test you choose – for an image contributor or video contributor – if you pass the examination, you’ll have access to all of the site features, and you will be able to upload both images and videos for sale.In addition, you could provide us links to your portfolio at other stock sites. The larger your portfolio at other sites, the higher your rating will be on our site. A high rating at our site grants certain privileges, including: the option to participate in the Promotion Program; quicker approval of your files; greater respect from our inspectors; individualized help uploading files at our site; higher search result positions, and many others.
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