TSDF Exclusive! Summary of episode 5.14, “Spend” - Prime
Credit: Daryl’s Possum
Opening scene: Father Gabriel enters what appears to be a makeshift prayer room. He stands at an altar and looks down at a Bible. A basket of strawberries has been left for him by a member of the community. There is a note saying it’s a blessing to have him there. He then starts to tear the pages out of the Bible.
Noah meets with Deanna's husband over breakfast to talk about becoming an architect. He says he is in it for the long haul.
Abraham washes his face while Rosita is asleep in a bed, her reflection showing in the sink mirror.
Eugene is checking out a broken part from the community's solar farm.
Aiden kisses his mom on the cheek while getting ready for a supply run. Glenn, Aiden, Nicholas, Eugene, Noah and Tara (GANENT? Not exactly GREATM, but it'll work for now)) leave in a beat up old van, banging out drum & bass music.
Jessie is in her yard picking up pieces from a broken sculpture. Officer Rick notices, asks her if she has any enemies and says he will ask around to find out who did it.
GANENT heads into a dark warehouse where Eugene seeks out the part he needs. Lots of walkers are locked behind a fence inside.
Aiden, ever the douchebag, shoots an armed walker multiple times, finally shooting a grenade on the walker’s body by mistake. After the smoke clears, we see Tara has been knocked unconscious and is bleeding from her head. Eugene almost gets eaten because of his lack of ability to shoot his gun.
Carol finds Sam in her house snooping around for cookies. (Does this kid ever eat a vegetable?) She tells him she will make some if he steals some chocolate for her.
Dayum, Carol!
Back at the warehouse, everyone but Aiden is stuck in a small room. Tara is bleeding out. They clear the walkers so they can rescue Aiden who is now impaled by two steel poles.
Meanwhile, back at the ASZ, Abraham leads a construction team working outside the community. They are building a wall. A herd of walkers approaches which results in a gun fight. Abraham saves a girl with black emo hair (Francine?), tosses out a 'mother dick' for good measure, and we can see he is definitely happy to be fighting walkers once again.
Pete the Drunk pays a visit to Rick. He tells Rick that the Alexandrians have lost things too and that Rick’s group needs to understand that. He also offers to play doctor to Rick’s kids. He tells Rick they 'have to be friends' and slaps him on the shoulder. (From the sneak peek.)
GANENT isn’t faring so well. Eugene tells an unconscious Tara the group should have listened to him and that he takes no responsibility for what has happened. He carries Tara out of the warehouse, shooting walkers on the way... kind of.
Glenn, Noah and Nicholas try to free Aiden from the kabob. Nicholas runs away. We’ll call him Douchebag #2. Glenn and Noah must finally give up and Aiden gets ripped to shreds. (Kabob AND strip steak!)
After the walker fight, Sgt. Abe commands the team of builders to stay and finish the job they started.
With Aiden dead and Eugene & Tara elsewhere, Noah, Nicholas and Glenn fight their way through an office.
A member of the community tells Deanna that Abraham should lead the construction team.
Carol is baking cookies again. After talking to Sam, she develops a suspicion that Pete is abusing him. She finds out Sam broke the owl statue.
Glenn, Nicholas and Noah are still fighting for their lives. They find themselves trapped in the partitions of a revolving door. (Worst invention EVER!) They are trying to hold back the wave of walkers. Eugene pulls up in the van, music blasting. Glenn tries breaking the window, but Douchebag #2 panics and pushes the door to get out which results in Noah being exposed to the walkers. Glenn watches through the glass in horror as Noah’s face is ripped apart.
Nicholas runs to the van and yells at Eugene to go! Eugene is like wtf, where are the others, and pulls his gun on Nicholas. They have a little scuffle, then Glenn tackles Nicholas, knocking him out.
Gabriel tells Deanna that Rick’s group has done unspeakable things and that they are all pretty much Satan’s minions. Way to pay them back for saving your cowardly ass, Gabe.
Carol tells Rick that she believes Pete is hitting Sam.
Abraham is praising his workers.
Maggie is listening to the entire conversation between Deanna and Gabriel.
Carol tells Rick that he must kill Pete. Again….DAYUM, CAROL!
Spoilers are accurate at the time of posting. As always, nothing is 100% until the show actually airs.