Our study contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it is the first empirical study to investigate the factors that influence companies' IT control quality. Through examination of
companies' SOX 404 reports, which contain detailed descriptions of internal control problems, we can identify companies with IT-related control problems. Second, our study adds to the current
literature on the role of corporate governance in financial reporting by examining the impact of internal and external governance on companies' IT control processes. While the senior management of companies plays a critical role in facilitating the use of IT as documented in prior studies (McKenney and Copeland, 1995), it is noted that boards of directors and audit committees also play important roles. Specifically, the experience and IT knowledge of senior managers and audit committee members help to ensure the integrity of companies' IT control governance. Third, while prior research suggests that audit committee members' financial experience improve firms'
financial reporting quality, our study further documents that other types of experience, such as IT experience, can also help companies improve their overall financial reporting process