I've an idea of how to learn English language on Facebook here. Something different with other people are doing. Usually when you want to learn or post something for practice English you have to join in the group, right? But what you think if I invite you to do posting here on Facebook wall? Like in each day anyone can make a topic to post by tag to each other (or none tag it's up to you) and then another people comments like normal people are doing but for us we have to comments of each other topics to share our opinion for practice our English language. Like the example I'm posting below and then you all comments or share me of your opinions. Do you agree or not please let me know...
Does anyone understand the meaning of "Learning from the past"?
Something like when you did something wrong and then you realize that it was wrong but you can't go back to edit it but what you can do just accepted it, learn from it and don't let it happen again.
Like the night before yesterday my nephew name's A dropped my mobile into the water but I didn't say anything. I just asked him did he drop or not? And if he did then I'll find the way to handle it by myself to not let it damage my mobile. If formerly I must felt very angry and scold him but I didn't.
Why I'm not feeling angry to him like before? It's because the sentence "Learning from the past" has been teaching me and make me feel clam now. I did something wrong to someone and that made a lot of people hate me. Yes, I realize that it was my wrong and I hope they'll understand me and forgive me someday but the truth is I can't go back to fixed it. What I can do now just accepted it, learn from it and don't let it happen again. And when I say about what other people did something wrong to me to my friend she likes to say "There must be some reason of them to did that to me" So, these all the reason.
I like to listen to other people saying for learn from what they've said. I prefer to be with older people than with the same age with me. This is the reason why I don't have a lot of friends.
What about you? Did you ever do something wrong before? And if you did, what you do then? Learn from it or not?