Facebook is great marketing tool for any business. But not just any Facebook page will drive traffic to your website and boost your business. Your Facebook page needs to be built in the right way to attract fans that turn into customers or rewards current customers. Here are a few tips to help you create the best Facebook page for your business.
Choose the Right Name
The name of your Facebook page isn’t permanent, you can edit it whenever you need to. However, constantly changing the name of your page can be confusing for your customers and cause you to lose fans, so you want to make sure you get it right the first time. What should your Facebook business page name be? Keep it simple and to the point. If you are an affiliate, include your first and last name and your role with the business. This format should be “First Last Business Affiliate.” This is important because people interested in your business might not have a direct link to your Facebook page. When they type things they know about you, like your name and business name, this will ensure your page comes up in search results. If you have your own business, use your business name as your Facebook page. Worried there are other businesses with the same name on Facebook? Just be sure to fill out your location information and people will be able to find the business they are looking for.
Invite the Right People
If you’re like most Facebook users, there has been a time where you’ve gotten an invite to like a business page you knew nothing about. Chances are you didn’t like this page, and if you did, do you ever visit it? Inviting people to like your page to boost your numbers seems like a good idea, but if these people aren’t interested in your business, does this really make sense? Go through your friends list and identify who would benefit from your business or be most likely to share your page and your good work. Invite these people to fan your page and if possible send them a note explaining why they should like your page. This helps to build the right relationship and give others the information they need to decide if being a fan is right for them.
Promote on Your Website
Aside from inviting new fans from within Facebook, use your website to drive traffic to your Facebook page. At the bottom of each page of your website, include a link to your Facebook page with the suggestion to become a fan. Facebook and many website offer a Facebook icon that you can easily add to your website and hyperlink. Another way to get people thinking about Facebook while on your website is to enable commenting through Facebook on your blog. There are many plugins offered through WordPress to allow you to do this. This allows commenters to engage with your website without having to create a new username and also shows you who they are on Facebook, allowing you to easily reach out to them and invite them to like your page to connect in a new way.
Post at the Right Time
One your page has been up and running for a few weeks, it’s time to take a look at the Insights Facebook offers. Insights are Facebook’s analytics that tell you more about your fans and post activity. While Insights offers tons of information, one thing you should look at first is when people are on your fan page. What time are people most active on your page? This is when you should be posting. If this time is when you’re at work or when you can’t post, simply schedule posts for that time. Scheduling posts for when the majority of your fans are online helps to drive organic reach and get your content seen by more people.
Photos, Video, Links
Another Insight offering is one that shows your what types of content perform best on your page and reach the most people. These types of posts are broken down into links, status updates, photos and videos. Which type of posts do people like the most? These are the posts you should use most frequently.
- See more at: http://gdiaffiliateblog.ws/2015/10/01/how-create-best-facebook-page-your-business/?utm_content=bufferb1365&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer#sthash.RiK05znX.dpuf