Table 2 lists the 70 blossom volatiles detected in this study. Relative
amounts of individual blossom volatiles are presented as
peak area percent of the total volatile peak area for each blossom
type in Table 2. Twenty-nine volatiles are reported in citrus blossoms
for the first time. Thirty-seven blossom volatiles have been
previously reported and are noted in Table 2 along with the original
citation. Of the 66 volatiles identified, there were 16 oxygenated
terpenes, 17 monoterpenes (six acyclic, six cyclic and five
bicyclic), four alcohols, three esters, three ketones and five nitrogen
volatiles. Attaway et al. (1966) detected 59 volatiles in their
citrus blossom study and identified 38, of which 25 were also identified
in the current study. Choi (2003) employed SPME of only a
single phase, PDMS, to analyze C. unshiu blossom volatiles. Of the
51 volatile compounds they identified, 12 monoterpenes accounted
for 84% of the total volatiles. This is not surprising as
PDMS is known to be highly selective for terpenes. Twenty-four
of the 66 volatiles identified in the current study were also reported
by Flamini and coworkers (2003) who also employed SPME
to analyze blossoms and blossom parts from C. deliciosa.
Table 2 lists the 70 blossom volatiles detected in this study. Relativeamounts of individual blossom volatiles are presented aspeak area percent of the total volatile peak area for each blossomtype in Table 2. Twenty-nine volatiles are reported in citrus blossomsfor the first time. Thirty-seven blossom volatiles have beenpreviously reported and are noted in Table 2 along with the originalcitation. Of the 66 volatiles identified, there were 16 oxygenatedterpenes, 17 monoterpenes (six acyclic, six cyclic and fivebicyclic), four alcohols, three esters, three ketones and five nitrogenvolatiles. Attaway et al. (1966) detected 59 volatiles in theircitrus blossom study and identified 38, of which 25 were also identifiedin the current study. Choi (2003) employed SPME of only asingle phase, PDMS, to analyze C. unshiu blossom volatiles. Of the51 volatile compounds they identified, 12 monoterpenes accountedfor 84% of the total volatiles. This is not surprising asPDMS is known to be highly selective for terpenes. Twenty-fourof the 66 volatiles identified in the current study were also reportedby Flamini and coworkers (2003) who also employed SPMEto analyze blossoms and blossom parts from C. deliciosa.
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