Dear Colleagues,
An internal audit was carried out last week on Auditor CPD and the results were dreadful. It was an 85% failure on all samples taken.
Those of you doing social audits should already know there are mandatory requirements for CPD and CPD is required for all others auditors. No one knows all the answers which is why CPD is required as things change whether that be updating yourself on procedural or trade body changes or just reading up on your technical journal each month.
I am not involved much in audits now but the last year I carried out over 72 hours CPD most of it was structured training.
Just because something is not forced as mandatory does not mean it is not due. As the lady from BSCI said to an auditor at a calibration meeting. "Do you think we spend time and money designing boxes on forms if you can just ignore them and not fill them in? We would not have designed them if we did not want you to fill them in."
GNET is a management system so as such the information needs to be reviewed and updated. Any auditor without any records updated by next week will be removed from the system as obviously the person is not required anymore.
Regards, Alan
PS I even see so many OSP's have not even put their attendance at ANY conferences down as CPD when it is. I am sure if you found this in a client system you wold NCN it, so please practice what you preach.