The Thai Economy: Structural Changes and
Challenges Ahead
1. A Short Political History
Over the last century, several of vested-interest groups have been taking part in the
political life in Thailand. However, the king and his royal family have been the central of
political agenda while the military, the civilian bureaucracy have played a significant role in
shaping Thai politics. Apart from that political parties have been involved from time to time
since 1932. It is very true that in the traditional system from Sukothai to Coup d’ etat in 1932,
the king was clearly the center of political life to the greater extent that the king held
extensive power. Moreover, he took responsible for the administrative, judicial, military,
religions and cultural life of the country. He also appointed center and provincial officials,
issued edits on a variety of subjects, made a decision on legal issues, oversaw preparations for
war, protected the Buddish faith and provided generous support for the arts which was
essential for any king of Thailand. Furthermore, many Thai monarchs represented leading
intellectuals-and poets and others for instance, king Mongkut (1851-1867) and king
Chulalongkorn (1868-1910) were considered to preserve Thailand’s independence from the
west in an era of colonial expansion.
Under the Sakdina regime which had survived for centuries, the Thai monarchy was
unable to presence its great power in the twentieth century. By the 1920s. the storm of
change in the political system was semerging damong dmilitary officers, civilian officials and
The Thai Economy: Structural Changes andChallenges Ahead1. A Short Political HistoryOver the last century, several of vested-interest groups have been taking part in thepolitical life in Thailand. However, the king and his royal family have been the central ofpolitical agenda while the military, the civilian bureaucracy have played a significant role inshaping Thai politics. Apart from that political parties have been involved from time to timesince 1932. It is very true that in the traditional system from Sukothai to Coup d’ etat in 1932,the king was clearly the center of political life to the greater extent that the king heldextensive power. Moreover, he took responsible for the administrative, judicial, military,religions and cultural life of the country. He also appointed center and provincial officials,issued edits on a variety of subjects, made a decision on legal issues, oversaw preparations forwar, protected the Buddish faith and provided generous support for the arts which wasessential for any king of Thailand. Furthermore, many Thai monarchs represented leadingintellectuals-and poets and others for instance, king Mongkut (1851-1867) and kingChulalongkorn (1868-1910) were considered to preserve Thailand’s independence from thewest in an era of colonial expansion.Under the Sakdina regime which had survived for centuries, the Thai monarchy wasunable to presence its great power in the twentieth century. By the 1920s. the storm ofchange in the political system was semerging damong dmilitary officers, civilian officials and
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