wow..nice move raven..u must gain a lot of experiences with ur digimon rite..??which digi that u hv now..??hehe11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
Right now I have a darktyranomon. I restarted. I had imperialdramon, a Mega level. If my darktyranomon doesnt evolve I'm going to try to get blackwargreymon now that I know how to do it""1
· 11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
lol!thats awesome the digi evolve depend on its age or the other factor..?11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
Age is just so you know how old your digimon is. The main factor is the evolution bar and making sure you meet the requirements by the time It's full""1
· 11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
owh i watched a video about digi unlimited evo chart the chart complete yet..?im waitin for it n i guess im the happiest guy in the world if i get the full!11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
There is a post on our page. Take a look. Apparently It's finished. I haven't had time to look though. Just woke up ~Raven""1
· 11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
just woke up..?it's 1.15 am in malaysia rite now..which country do u live dude..?
""11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
america. lol. its noon. but i DJ at a club. so i dont get to bed till 3 or 4am""1
· 11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
a state guy..nice..haha..nice to meet u..DJ..?so u play turnstable as well..??11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
Nope. I just use a basic program and system. Nothing fancy11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
owh is sound catchier with the turnstable..being a DJ sound like awesome i guess..
btw..thnx for answering my questions..i need to go bed now..its gonna late..even my gargomon is sleeping!11 มีนาคม""
Digimon Unlimited application
Lol. Well good night then11 มีนาคม""
Fayz Azizovic
thnx dude..
""11 มีนาคม""
Gez Grimm
I'm training Impmon...wish me luck =p""1
· 29 พฤศจิกายน""
Digimon Unlimited application
good luck ""29 พฤศจิกายน""
Gez Grimm
It's kinda cheating asking for help but got any tips?29 พฤศจิกายน""Andhy SeVirgo
hy,can you help me ???
i have a problem to jogres my siesamon
can you tell me how to jogres my siesamon ???