“I’m not okay!” I yelled and pulled her hand. I placed it on my heart and said, “Feel that, it’s still beating like crazy in fear!” “I’m sorry” she said, softly. I sighed, because I wasn’t even able to stay mad at her for long when she looked at me with her cute face. I wanted to cup her face and press a kiss on those lips. I craved to taste her lips and I cursed myself for being asleep last night. I didn’t remember anything besides the fact that she had slept on my chest and drooled on it. “Neymar?” she said and awakened me from my dreaming state. “Yes?” I said and looked at her lips automatically. “I’m going inside” she said. Her lips moved in such a beautifully way which made me feel dazed. “Okay, good night Olivia” I sighed. “Good night” she said. “Hug?” I asked. She smiled and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her little body and smelled her hair. It felt so good to have her in my arms, I wished I never had to let her go. She loosened her arms around me, so I had to let her go as well. I removed my hands from her body against my will. I looked into her eyes and held her in my gaze. She didn’t move and looked into my eyes too. I looked at her lips automatically and leaned in. Kiss her my inner voice pushed. My heart rate was through the roofs by now and my mouth felt so dry. The seconds seemed like minutes. She didn’t move neither did I. We were so close to each other that our noses were almost touching. I felt her breath on my face, which tingled my skin. Her lips trembled slightly. I licked my dry lips and leaned in a little more, making our noses touch. The anticipation of touching her lips was such a sweet torture, it was unbearable yet pleasurable. “I-I have to go, bye” she suddenly said and took two steps back. I looked at her with a pounding heart and saw her walk away fast. I wanted to stop her, but I couldn’t. I watched her disappear into her house a minute later. I groaned out loud and kicked the tire of my car repeatedly in frustration.
▶The frustration is real