Laughing with Ghosts: Dominant Genres in Indonesian Cinema
Indonesian cinema covers various genres. Indonesians, thus, seem to be spoiled for choice. Unfortunately, variety is everything but the spice of life in Indonesian cinema and it seems that too many films are alike.
Based on the data compiled by Wikipedia, 418 or so movies were released throughout the last decade, of which roughly 40% are either comedy, horror, or a mix of them.
It is not all bad news, there are indeed good films. Comedies like Jagad X Code (Life in Code River) turn out to be really funny and amusing. And the scare in 2001 horror Jelangkung (The Uninvited) is enough to freak people out. But then, the drollery and ghost theme can get banalconsequence, flicks made in the 90s are mostly adult movies of poor quality. Filmmakers and fans often refer to this as the Krisis Film Nasional.