The Chemistry Concept Reasoning Test (CCRT) that was
created and validated by Cloonan and Hutchison13 for
measuring conceptual understanding and critical scientific
thinking of chemistry models and theories was administered
to teacher participants before and after the PD. Results show
significant difference and improvement from pre- to post-test.
As shown in Table 5, participants posted a 21% change from
the pretest with p < 0.05. Seventy-four percent of the teachers
in the sample showed improvement in the post-test. Another
chemistry concept test was administered (Mole Concept test
developed in-house) and similarly showed a significant increase
of 12% from the pre- to post-test with p < 0.05. Fifty-one
percent of the teachers achieved an improvement on their posttest
score. All pre- and post-test scores were analyzed using the
nonparametric Wilcoxon signed ranks test.