The aquacultured fish was feed
twice a day with commercial feed containing 40% of crude protein
and 12% crude fat until they had average weights of 0.7070.03 kg
for Nile tilapia and 0.8570.03 kg for hybrid sorubim, after 6–7 and
9–10 months, respectively. About 100 fish of each specie was
mechanically eviscerated under vacuum (without manual contact)
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Food Bioscience
2212-4292/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
n Correspondence to: Federal University of Grande Dourados, Faculty of Biological
and Environmental Sciences, CEP 79.804-970 Dourados, MS, Brazil.
E-mail address: (G.G. Fonseca).
Food Bioscience 16 (2016) 1–4
and hand-filleted at the plant. The carcasses obtained were immediately
transported under refrigerated conditions to the Laboratory
of Bioengineering, where they were deboned
The aquacultured fish was feedtwice a day with commercial feed containing 40% of crude proteinand 12% crude fat until they had average weights of 0.7070.03 kgfor Nile tilapia and 0.8570.03 kg for hybrid sorubim, after 6–7 and9–10 months, respectively. About 100 fish of each specie wasmechanically eviscerated under vacuum (without manual contact)Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage: Bioscience 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.n Correspondence to: Federal University of Grande Dourados, Faculty of Biologicaland Environmental Sciences, CEP 79.804-970 Dourados, MS, Brazil.E-mail address: (G.G. Fonseca).Food Bioscience 16 (2016) 1–4and hand-filleted at the plant. The carcasses obtained were immediatelytransported under refrigerated conditions to the Laboratoryof Bioengineering, where they were deboned
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