Nobody would even think about that possibility. Even at the moment when the nine sword mountains were destroyed, Lin Feng was there, but nobody who knew about the legend of the evil swords had thought that Lin Feng was the one who had obtained the evil swords because he was far too weak, how could he attract the evil swords? How could he have the power to break the seal? Therefore, nobody would ever consider that possibility.
They obviously thought that an extremely strong sword cultivator had obtained the evil swords.
“There is not only evil Qi, there is also the Qi of a Tian level beast.” Whispered Teng Wu Yao. If only they could obtain a Tian level beast, how terrifying would that be? Unfortunately, it was impossible, they could only dream about achieving something like that.
“Patriarch, should we go and take a look or should we leave?” Asked Teng Wu Shan in a low voice.
Teng Wu Yao remained silent for a moment, he looked uncertain. Immediately after he said coldly: “Let’s go back. Whether it’s the extremely strong cultivator who obtained the evil swords or the Tian level beast, either one could kill us all very easily. Perhaps Lin Feng has already died in the depths of the mountain.”
“Of course, even if he is dead, I also want to kill all those who are close to him, his friends and family can accompany him to the afterlife.” Said Teng Wu Yao in a piercingly cold voice. In fact, he was sure that his son Wu Zhen had died. Many people were well aware that Wu Zhen was dead but nobody dared to mention it, it was too painful for the patriarch.
Nobody knew how Wu Zhen had died. They didn’t believe that Lin Feng could kill Wu Zhen, the circumstances of his death were still a mystery.
“Let’s go back.” Shouted Teng Wu Yao in a deep voice. He turned around and informed all the members of the Wan Shou Sect that they were leaving the Nine Dragon Mountain Chain. They sighed and started to leave.
The extremely strong cultivators of the Wan Shou Sect were all moving together with their beasts, if a strong wild beast attacked them, they would be able to cope using their numbers.
The events hit Xue Yue like a storm, the Yue Clan obtained a vein of the earth, the Yu Clan obtained nothing at all but also lost nothing, the Wan Shou Sect was the one who had suffered the most, it had lost a number of core disciples and the patriarch’s son was killed.
The person who was at the centre of all of this, was Lin Feng, he was the one who had actually obtained the greatest of treasures. He had obtained a fortune of purity stone, multiple nine sun grass, the evil swords and even an ancient ferocious beast.
Maybe that storm was simply the calm before an even larger storm… Which would leave the entire country of Xue Yue breathless.