Nine factors were extracted in the unrotated factor solution
with eigenvalues over 1. These nine factors explain 65% of the
variance. However, interpretation of the factors that are not subject
to rotation is rarely significant. Two of the items were rejected due
to their low communalities in the first rotated solution to improve
the factor analysis. Then after the content analysis, four nonsignificant
variables that have low loading values were not included
in factor analysis. After analyzing the remaining 23 items, seven
factors were extracted with eigenvalues over 1. These factors are
called as inspired from internal marketing models and theories [12 and
13]. Table 1 shows each factor‟s loadings, initial eigenvalues,
variance and Cronbach‟s α. The factors covered were: job satisfaction,
internal communication, rewards, cooperation-integration, job
conditions, empowerment and motivation.