1. WC , Arizona , Colorado
2. Stop acid rain ; Burn less fossil in car & home
ข้อ 3-5 (American stress)
3. main idea ; people likes to help others.
4. People will be happier if they help others.
5. Emotional benefit -> Anita help others ; improve math skills.
6. Fighting bravely was the aim of living in this country.
7. ทำไม retires มาอยู่ -> ตอบ ; climate
8. “perk” ->satisfied “employee”
9. factor and loose qualities -> Local official build more road.
10. similar -> farmer boycott of table grape
11. constitution (ข้อ1) ; action contain duty ->setting up collect taxes.
12. Misunderstanding about individual right in democratic govern.
13. Steadily increasing
14. ในปี 2000 ; import can meet or exceed export level.
15. Demand for the cost of nursing home increase.
16. Home base networking -> maintaining independent.
17. Swedish made up a larger percent 4 of paid labor force
18. Same goal -> Natural of life, liberty, property
19. During this period -> French Rev. (1791)
20. Ideal continue until 20 century -> inalienable human right
21. Effect ; Light rain
22. Peace agreement may be hard to maintain.
23. Individual give to business -> labor a money.
24. Increase service -> Add new taxes
25. His idea -> we must use all means and effect to free savory
26. Freedom for Africa American
27. U.S. fruit
28. Stop drinking coffee
29. Future -> uncertain
30. New coal mine using water will pollute
31. Which women discriminate both rate -> Speaker number 4
32. Development help ->Civil right Act.
33. Injustice
34. Best aiscrise from chare -> These cities have fewer racial than before.
35. Ask? -> Which cities has the largest percentage on intreaseng.
36. Information from -> Bill of right
37. Setting of Gettysburg -> Civil War.
38. Opening -> Declaration of independence
39. Lincoln’s ………… ->Determination and purpose
40. Best described -> 1881-1890 was the prosperity and growth of railroad.
41. College would not prepair to be useful to Iroquois society.
42. Fower income tax
43. Contrasting talaries fo wemen and men teaching jobs.
44. Greatest population -> ชอบข้าวมากสุด -> Europe!
45. GNP 5% -> Better
46. Restrict watering larn some day
47. Coflict between environmentalist & timber -> Raise fund for logger
48.Pic tell? Britrish control on significan+Paris of Africa.
49.Implied from cartoon+weaith is for whonever can take it.
50.”Zimbabwa” recogniec African’s cullure.
Ideal continue until 20 century -> inalienable human right